Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Justification for Mexican American war

The Mexican American War was caused by many disputing issued between the United States government, Texas and Mexico. Before 1836 Texas had belonged to Mexico, in 1836 Americans living in Texas rebelled against Mexican rule. The main issues were caused by the arguments of the freedom Texas and Mexico wanted. Mexicans and Texans waged a nasty border struggle for nine years, but continued to withhold direct intervention. By Mexico and Texas being their own free-states they were left vulnerable to be taken advantage of by America, which is what happened.

The American's acted in a very unjust way by taking advantage of Mexico and Texas. We showed very unjust behavior and used our power to have the upper hand and use the resources and knowledge we had that Texas and Mexico did not. It was not right for the American's to kick others off of their land to leave them homeless and scared for their lives.

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